About Our Podcast

A true crime podcast focus on bringing attention to cold cases involving marginalized groups which include women, people with disabilities, people of color, LGBTQ+, indigenous people and people of a lower socio-economic status. Every week, Johna and Stewanna will bring their insight, perspective, street smarts, and experience as prosecutors to give a voice to the often overlooked and forgotten.

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Stewanna Dasari

Stewanna hails from the great city of New Orleans, LA. She grew up in the 7th ward, a crime-ridden, low-income housing area (projects). Her neighborhood exposed her to teenage pregnancy and truancy, drug use and addiction, and ward turf shootouts, which were all too common. What she lacked in finances, her family made up in love; she was showered with love and supported to pursue music, acting, and her education. As a nontraditional student, she completed her bachelor's degree. After several years of working in leadership roles in Corporate America, she attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern. While attending school, Stewanna graduated summa cum laude and was 3rd in her class. While in law school, she worked as a Legislative Aide in the office of Senator Rodney Ellis during the 83rd Legislative Session in Austin, Texas where she worked on the Discovery Bill, now known as the "Michael Morton Act". Her desire to serve led her to join the Air Force; she received a direct commission as an Air Force Judge Advocate and officially entered active duty in January 2019. Prior to entering active duty, she worked as a Special Felony 2 Chief Prosecutor in the Sex Crimes and Human Trafficking Division at Harris County District Attorney Office in Houston, TX. As an Assistant District Attorney, she was selected to work on a special task force with the FBI and other local law enforcement agencies investigating and prosecuting human trafficking cases while addressing anti-trafficking challenges. She is admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court of Texas, the Air Force Court of Criminal Appeals, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Currently, she serves as a Special Trial Counsel for the Office of Special Trial Counsel, CA. She represents the United States as lead trial counsel in the Air Force's most complex courts martial cases and provides training and mentorship to junior trial counsel across the country. Her most significant accomplishment is being a mother to 4 fantastic, talented boys and the wife to her partner in everything. When not listening to crime podcasts, they enjoyed traveling the world while experiencing adventure and different foods

Johna Stallings

Johna Stallings, a St. Louis native, attended South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas. She began working as a prosecutor in Houston in 1996 and ultimately focused her efforts in the Child Abuse Division, prosecuting many sex offenders before leaving the office to start her own private practice. Returning to prosecution in 2007, she became First Assistant in Victoria, Texas and, later, Division Chief in Harris County. During this time period, she became an expert in Trafficking and Child Exploitation prosecutions, leading Harris County to file the greatest number of trafficking cases in the country. She has directed task forces and developed the Adult Forensic Interviewing concept. She recently entered private practice, with the goal to utilize her expertise in trafficking to pursue civil suits against businesses for greater accountability and to assist survivors. She has tried about 110 felony jury trials and assisted on hundreds of others.

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